Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. At, we adhere to the following key principles:

1. We only request personal information when it is necessary.
2. We will only disclose your personal information to comply with the law, improve our services, or protect our legal rights.
3. Personal information is not stored on our systems unless required for the continued operation of our website.

HSE Windsock is committed to protecting your privacy about any information we may gather while operating our website.

Website Visitors

HSE Windsock gathers non-personally identifiable information that web browsers and servers routinely make available, such as the type of browser, preferred language, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. HSE Windsock collects non-personally identifiable information to better understand how users utilize its website. From time to time, HSE Windsock may reveal non-personally identifiable information in the aggregate, such as by issuing a report on the trends in the usage of its website.

Additionally, gathers potentially personally identifiable information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for those posting comments on our blog.

Collecting Personally Identifiable Information

Certain website visitors opt to interact with HSE Windsock in ways that require HSE Windsock to collect personally identifiable information. HSE Windsock collects varying amounts and types of information based on the nature of the interaction. For instance, we need blog commenters to supply a username and email address. Those who desire to get HSE Windsock updates through email have their email addresses collected. HSE Windsock gathers this information solely to the extent required or reasonable for the intended purpose of the visitor's contact with HSE Windsock. Other than as mentioned below, HSE Windsock does not release personally identifiable information. And visitors are always free to decline to submit personally identifiable information, with the proviso that doing so may preclude them from partaking in certain website-related activities.

Aggregated Figures

HSE Windsock may collect statistics regarding the online behavior of its visitors. HSE Windsock may, for instance, monitor the most popular pages on This information may be shown publicly or provided to third parties. Other than as mentioned below, HSE Windsock does not release personally identifiable information.

Protection of Personally Identifiable Information

HSE Windsock only discloses potentially personally identifiable information to employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations that need to know that information in order to process it on HSE Windsock's behalf or to provide services available at HSE Windsock website and that have agreed not to disclose it to others. By using the HSE Windsock website, you consent to the transfer of such information to employees, contractors, and connected organizations that may be situated outside your home country. HSE Windsock will not rent or sell personally identifiable information. HSE Windsock only discloses potentially personally identifiable information in response to a legal proceeding, court order, or other governmental requests, or when HSE Windsock believes, in good faith, that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of HSE Windsock, third parties, or the public at large. If you have provided your email address, HSE Windsock may send you emails informing you of new features, requesting feedback, or generally keeping you informed about HSE Windsock and our products. If you give us a request (for example, via a support email or through one of our feedback methods), we have the right to publish it to help us explain or reply to your request or to help us support other users. HSE Windsock takes all reasonable precautions to guard against unauthorized access, use, modification, or destruction of potentially personally identifiable information.


A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor's computer and that the visitor's browser transmits each time the visitor returns. HSE Windsock employs cookies to identify and track visitors, as well as their website usage and access choices. Visitors to the HSE Windsock website who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should configure their browsers to reject cookies before using the HSE Windsock website, with the drawback that certain features of the HSE Windsock website may not function properly if cookies are disabled.


Advertisements appearing on the HSE Windsock website may be served by advertising partners, who may set cookies. These cookies enable the ad server to recognize your computer each time it sends you an online advertisement in order to accumulate information about you and other individuals who use your computer. This information enables ad networks to, among other things, deliver adverts that are tailored to your interests. This Privacy Statement covers HSE Windsock's use of cookies but not the use of cookies by advertising.

Privacy Policy Changes

At its sole discretion, HSE Windsock reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy from time to time, with the vast majority of modifications likely to be minor. HSE Windsock urges visitors to review this page periodically for updates to its Privacy Statement. Your continued use of this site following any modification to this Privacy Statement constitutes your acceptance of the change.

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